Sunday, May 11, 2008

Soviet Union, 1983, Part IV - Memorabilia

Go here for the beginning.

These are from a small Flickr photoset of a few scanned photos and some scans of items, etc.

Technically, we weren't supposed to take Russian currency out of the country, but i wanted some as a souvenir. I thought about various elaborate ways to hide them, and then it occurred to me: i put them in my front pants pocket.


This is the Tran-Siberian railroad schedule. The whole trip was over 5000 km. We only left the train on a few of these stop, most notably Novosibirsk.


A very odd piece of memorabilia; an Aeroflot wetnap:


This is the Uzbekistan flag that i bought:


This is my hotel card from the Pribaltiskaya:


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